The climactic battle from Avengers Endgame brought about the largest collection of superheroes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) seen on screen yet. Years of world-building, led by Iron Man, meant ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ faced off against their nemesis Thanos and his evil army of ‘Outriders’. With Tony Stark and his Iron Man alter ego kicking off the MCU, it was also befitting that he finally save the universe and bring balance and order once again, but in doing so offering the ultimate sacrifice through giving his own life! A bitter-sweet ending to his story arc, but one filled with hope and pride for the Avengers.
Special Features
- Battle-damaged Iron Man Mark 85 design
- One Tony Stark, EGG Attack head sculpt
- One Iron Man helmet sculpt with light-up eyes
- One battle-damaged Mark 85 torso with glowing arms and arc-reactor chest.
- Three replacement pairs of hands (fist, open hand, grip)
- One replacement battle-damaged arm with light-up Infinity Gauntlet
- One special, branded figure base