Two years after the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s “Avengers: Infinity War,” the thrilling battle scenes and shocking special effects continue to run through fans’ minds. Just thinking about it is enough to make your blood race! The brilliant nano armor of Iron Man’s Mark L (Mark 50) suit has raised a lot of passionate discourse, and now it can be an emphatic addition to your collection.
Beast Kingdom’s Entertainment Experience Brand EAA (Egg Attack Action) series consists of 6-inch articulated action figures based on the popular film “Avengers:
Infinity War.” In the wake of the enthusiastic response to the launch of the Iron Man Mark 50 figure, Beast Kingdom has developed the “Iron Man Mark L Battle Damaged” articulated figure. In addition to the basic configuration, there are interchangeable hands (fists and open hands) and masks (war damage and exposed face). The figure hits the mark on replicating Tony Stark’s expressions and movements in the films. This version includes the latest weapons associated with the Mark 50 suit: the nano sword, the nano shield and the back-mounted nano missile launchers. Sophisticated production methods faithfully reproduce the damage caused to the nano armor during the battle with Thanos. Whether it’s hand-to-hand or aerial methods, Iron Man’s combat skills are on full display. Fine painting and built-in LEDs in the helmet and reactor really make this figure shine. This “Iron Man Mark L” Marvel figure will absolutely enhance your collection!
Mark L Battle Damaged version
- Iron Man’s chest and eyes emit light from built-in LEDs
- Interchangeable battle-damaged face masks (normal and angry facial expressions)
- Nano missile launchers (2 back-mounted)
- Nano shield
- Nano sword
- Interchangeable hands (2 pairs)
- Display stand